
What's cooking on the Cliff?

9:55 PM

 {Pictures on the post by Laura Rhodes}
Ok, so I'm not cooking now, but that's what hubby asks on his way home at times, "cliff" short for Clifford near where we live. We have had this grill that's been sitting around for a long time we got off the side of the road in our neighborhood....I was on the verge of taking it to the SPCA, my fav place to get rid of stuff, then I started thinking of things to plant my flowers in...And why not? If I can use old tires....
 In the back yard I used the old seed spreader that was sitting around and not being of good use and, viola! A perfect addition beside my birdbath planter!
 Ok, ya'll...I asked hubby what he thought of the old grill with the flowers, and he said, well it doesn't look any worse than the sink with the flowers in the front of the house! Another neighbor said, all you need now is the the toilet! Hmmmm.......
 Just loving my sweet flowers coming up...
And here's the last one for you....What's your favorite flower coming up and do you have any neat ideas on planting your flowers? Bye for now!
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  1. lol I have an old grill just like that, everytime hubby trys to take it off I say no I'm going to plant flowers in that lol!it would be a good place to plant herbs too, I'm going to try my hand at knock out roses tis year, I love how they bloom nearly all year round & the leaves stay green through the year

  2. What a wonderful idea! I like the seed spreader filled with flowers too!!!
    We don't have many flowers blooming yet ~ they are just starting to peek through. Johnny Jump ups are my favorites!!!
    Prim Blessings

  3. I love all your flowers! They are so pretty and the pots and containers are great! I still have lots of snow on the ground so I don't think I will be doing flowers this year. Thanks for sharing. :)


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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

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Have a Good and Godly Day.
