
Spring Cleaning, Decluttering, and thinking outside the box!

10:46 AM

{A sheep that was on a purse I'd made in the past}
Hello Blogger friends:
I've been busy trying to make room in my basement where I keep all my nice Rhodes Creations Supplies, Merchandise, and more and it's come to a head! I've decided that Rhodes Creations has been a liability all these years....Yes, I've known it for a while and have never had the heart to quit for all my supplies. And I'm officially getting rid of a lot of my unsold stuff and some supplies, display racks, etc....and I'm starting to breath better now...I just have to keep telling myself, "It's not contributing anything to the bottom line, but is keeping me in the red and I'm money ahead not to do it." That means I'm giving up my craft shows of which I'm really tired of packing, unpacking,setting up, packing, unpacking, moving, removing, needing so much storage space....So I was thinking do I just give it all to the SPCA and be done with it, take some to the consignment shop and try to recoup some, try to sell what I can on ETsy?
{Embroidered Decorative Tins}
So far, I've taken a couple of loads to the Nelson, VA SPCA, nothing has sold on Etsy and the consignment shops are nearly an hour away and you know how if something doesn't ever sell you have to take it back or they will dispose of it or some are really picky and won't take certain things....It can be a hassle...As far as yard sales are concerned I've grown to hate doing them...I still have a sour taste in my mouth from last one where nobody bought anything except for my neighbor...she bought an embroidered towel. 
{Baby burp cloths for Samantha Rose}
Never could sell my embroidered baby burp cloths, so I finally got rid of them! Gave them to Brian and Sharon for Samantha Rose. My brother and sis in law finally had another baby and their second girl! The oldest is 13, Katie...so everyone is so happy and she's so cute...She even has hair on her ear. I got to give her milk (pumped from mom) and burp her the other day...So precious...
{Time to organize}
So I'm leaning on just taking it to the SPCA and being done with it and helping the kitties and doggies in the process and "Feel the Pain" of my mistakes, stubbornness and trying to make it work for years and years....Sometimes that is what it takes! Plus I get bogged down in my mind with this selling stuff and it's hard to focus on what I really need to with the Lord, spiritually, etc...I will keep some crafts for my own personal needs and my neices and nephews who love to craft when they come! I just have to get it out of my mind that I'll ever buy, sell, and get gain....I can use some stuff to make cards, for gift giving, etc...But I just have way too much stuff I'm storing! I'm sure you can relate....
{A previous floral decorative tin}
And about storing...I read a neat blog article about using your condiment and food containers that you're storing and not using hardly to store craft items...I got rid of most of my baskets and instead of using all those small cardboard boxes, I use my left over baskets to store craft stuff prettily on my shelves. We've been using the wood stove in the basement and it gets dusty and dirty down there, so I'm trying to get things washed and in order as well and getting rid of stuff I really don't need! Wish you all were my neighbors and you all could have a free for all!!
{A collage of soaps I made for spring that ended up being gifts for friends & family}
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  1. Laura,
    I am sorry to hear you are getting rid of everything but I understand how you feel. I had a gift shop in my home and I ended up selling everything and closing it. I just felt like I wasn't being a good steward with all of that sitting in our house and not putting my best efforts to the store. It was a great relief when I let it all go. Now I enjoy what I am doing. I am not going to get rich off from it, but I enjoy it a lot more.

    Wishing you the best in all your decisions.

  2. It's what makes you happy that counts...when things become a burden it is no longer fun or worth it. Heading over to your Etsy shop to see what you have.

  3. Oh my goodness, yes, I understand! So much stuff can quickly turn into more stuff. I do love your "extras" though. I am now loving the tin/metal cans and painting them. Have been making some labels of my own also. Going to check your Etsy shop now. Prim blessings to you and the Mr., Laura ♥


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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
