
Salsa & spaghetti sauce

5:06 AM

Praise the Lord, we got the salsa & spaghetti sauce done! My friend Linda helped out again and my friend Luiza too. 46 pints salsa and 22 Qts spag. sauce. It was an all day event and finished at 11:30 that night, but I'll be good for a long time! Thank you Lord, for the strength and help!

Also, was blessed with lots of apples from friends that own an orchard and was able to make some dehydrated apples and plan to can/freeze some later.  Today, hubby, and friend Kim will help me set up my booth at Bell Treasures in Bedford. Will post pics later. Blesssings to all and to God be the Glory great things He hath done! Laura

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  1. Yippeee for you. Isnt it just a wonderful sense of accomplishment when you are all done and your shelves are full. Looks wonderful. God is Good.
    Blessings Trace

  2. Looks good all those jars of salsa & spaghetti sauce. A job well done but I bet you were tired after all that. A blessing to have friends to help. Good luck with your booth!

  3. What a beautiful, beautiful, sight. And must be such a wonderful feeling! You are truly blessed to have great folk to help! Good luck with the booth! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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To all the kitties I loved...

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