
God has been good. Blessings from Above. The Lord of the Harvest!

12:27 PM

 We were blessed with a good garden this year with broccoli...
 and squash, despite Mark battling with the Squash bugs everyday...
 Fresh farm eggs from our neighbors...
Lots of wonderful heirloom tomatoes!
And green too!
Peppers of various colors and sizes!
 A nice batch of yummy raw apple cider that me and Alan S. pressed ourselves with his ingenious homemade press!
 Mixed apples for sure!
 Jalapeños, onions and yellow "Alan S. tomatoes"
 A boatload of green beans that just kept coming-from a lowly 2 rows of beans. They just keep coming and we keep picking!
 A gift of sweet corn from our friends that we got to freeze and mainly can!

 "Gringo/Gringette" hanging around the cosmos bush. It just kept staying around, eating bugs and "praying".
 We were happy to see the egg sack she put out this October- aka "ootheca" she put out with her babies that will hatch out in the spring.

 God cares for even the little praying mantis.
We ended up finding several on our property, as we never really noticed them before. They are beneficial bugs!

And last but not least, a gift from friends of a market a baby ornamental squash from last year I gave mom...She saved seeds and planted and got a very large vine growing with several white squash. She ate some and now saving some for seeds for next year. The gift that just keeps giving. As our father's love, kindness, and never ending care. Thank you, Lord for all of your gifts from above, for they are all gifts from You!
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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
