
And the winner is....

12:01 AM

Well, looks like I didn't have to pull anything out of any hat because there was only one person signed up for my All Natural Products from my Etsy shop giveaway! It's a first for me! So, without further ado...Congrats goes to Sonja from "A Quilting Southpaw's Thoughts" Blog. Woo hoo! I'll be sending your goodies out next week.  And thanks so much for participating!!! I hope you'll like your goodies or it might make a nice Valentine's gift! Blessings on your Sunday and week my dear friends! Buenas Noches!

Sonja, please send me your ADDRESS via my contact button to contact me directly.
I have the package all ready to go and am waiting for your addy.

See what she won by clicking here!


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  1. WooHoo! :) Thanks Laura! Please email me on google+ and I will send you my mailing address.

  2. Just getting back to regular blogging...Sorry I didn't see your sweet giveaway. Congrats to Sonia!

  3. That's sweet of you to send out your giveaway. I just came back to blogging and have noticed a lot of the "bloggy girls" have disappeared.


  4. That's ok..I haven't been much into blogging lately either....If anyone talks with Sonia, please tell her to send me her addy. The package is waiting and I'd like to get it out today!!

  5. Hi Laura, I finally emailed you my mailing address. I apologize for the delay. :)


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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
