
God is good all the time!

10:08 PM

 Oh, how sweet it is to have a friend...that sticks closer than a brother....
 And to take time to rejuvenate...
 Don't forget to enjoy God's creation...
And walk down the road He has for us...For He is a light unto our path and a light for our feet.
Praise the Lord, while it is still called today..
He is still on the throne, no matter when things don't make sense.  May we keep our eyes fixed on Him and our gaze upon Him..
For His mercies are new every day.
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  1. Such beautiful photos Laura. That white cat reminds me of our family cat from many years ago. He had blue eyes, but was not deaf.Hope you are doing well :)


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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
