
Smile Away the Winter Blues

1:23 AM



'Smile away the winter blues...' by NoJumbledDucks

These are all happy items created by the OFG Team to make you smile!

Valentine's Day Woo...
Primitive Raggedy Annie...
PriMitiVe Folkart FroGG...
Smile - A Curve That Se...
Old Fashioned Soup Mix-...
Happy Cat, The Primitiv...
Primitive raggedy Ann D...
Happy Cat Pillow - Prim...
Rustic Primitive Doll L...
Angel Sign, Primitive, ...
Be so happy that when o...
Primitive Annie Red Car...
Anything that makes you...
Cat Softie Toy Cat Doll...
Sunflower Angel Printe...
Happy Snowman - Smiling...
Thanks Bonny for featuring my Old Fashioned Soup Mixes in your lovely Treasury! Check out all these wonderful items from the OFG team on Etsy! Blessings on your week! Laura

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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
