Milmont Poinsetta Open House went well!

2:45 PM

Hello Blogger Friends! Just wanted to give you a quick update on how it went at the Milmont Open House. Did very well, considering it was a little slower than expected...But I sold alot of baked and canned items. Some of the top sellers were: Mini pies: Cherry, Apple, Sweet Pot.--Sweet breads: Carrot Cake, Apple, Banana Nut--Rolls: Sweet Potato & Regular--Whole Wheat Bread...
Below are some of the pics..Enjoy!

 Tested out my Lemon Meringue Mini pies at home...

 Rhodes House Kitchen Booth
 Helper Leona eating lunch...

 Whole Wheat breads..
 Mini pies & Soup & Dessert Mixes...
 Sweet breads...
 Poinsetta arrangements...
 Bunny on the loose!

Good bye!

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  1. Oh - your baked goods look so very yummy Laura!!! I have a real weak spot for breads of any kind....Glad you did well....The poinsettias are gorgeous (and that bunny - too, too, cute!) Wishing you a blessing-filled weekend....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
