

1:25 AM

Ok, so I was looking forward to attending the Flippin Seaman Festival and being a vendor, but 1-I got a cold and 2-I didn't get enough help! So, I'm not going after all...They'll do another one in a couple of weeks and if and only if I can get some help I'll consider it then...I did ok at the Milmont thing...Made some good contacts and sold some stuff..I did food, but ended up giving away probably as much as I sold...and took back home loads of food! So, no more food for me! Maybe just canned items and baked items...I had salsa/nachos and multigrain tortillas, chicken salad sandwiches, veggies and ranch dip, chex mix, and sweet tea...The drawing card was the chicken man selling his world famous bar-b-que chicken and when he left, the customers milling around the booths died down, but lots of people were buying plants galore! Anyway, it's more blessed to give than recieve...but too much work for the amount of money made.....I had a smidge of my crafts, but non of that sold...At least they didn't charge a vendor's fee...Blessings to you! Laura

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  1. Sorry you didn't do so swell in Milmont - I think shows must be so hard to do - can never gauge who's going to be there or what they're "in the mood for" that day. Also sorry to hear your latest show is off for you and even more so that you're not feeling well. Hope you get better soon! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
