
Rolling Out My Selling Blog

4:37 AM

Grungy Bottle Currently featured on Etsy
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm starting up a selling blog called Laura's Little House at http://laurarhodes.blogspot.com/ and am just getting started. Hope to have things in there soon! Come on over for a visit, we can chat and may you be blessed today! Also, I'm listing stuff on Etsy
http://www.etsy.com/shop/rhodescreations  as well.  And for what it's worth, I'm trying to get a top 100 listing of Etsy sites (link on this blog) and anybody who would like to put their banner on there it would be very much appreciated...Just click the kitty cat link and sign up...Hope you all have a lovely week and enjoy God's wonderful creation!  Love you...

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Have a good and Godly day!

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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
