
Happy New Year Sale at Etsy Shop

11:31 PM

Hope everyone has a blessed and happy new year as we ring in 2013! In honor of the new year, I will be having a New Year Sale on my Regularly priced Winter Merchandise at my Etsy shop! Feel free to browse and check out my items!
Sale is from Dec. 30, 2012 until Jan 15, 2013. Everyone be safe and have a great NEW YEAR!
Blessings, Laura R.

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  1. Happy New Year Laura! Something must be wrong with the way your blog loads on my computer. Your background is all black and the only way I can see your type is by highlighting the area and reading it that way. Not sure what's up, but I can read other blogs without and problems?? Thought I would let you know in case others are having the same problems.

  2. I've noticed that too. But it should only do that because the page is loading and after it does it is normal. Thanks.

  3. Hi Laura,
    Best to you in 2013!


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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
