
Delicious Chicken Dressing Recipe

7:16 PM

Here's my next all in one meal I can't wait to make! Our wonderful neighbors the Sommers had me over for lunch as they'd made a big casserole dish full of this wonderful fare! So simple and so very delicious!

Chicken Dressing:

1 loaf bread, toasted
1 quart of chicken broth, with meat
2 T soup base
1 C celery
1 C potatoes
1/2 C onions
4 eggs
3 C milk
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp parsley
1 stick butter

Precook celery, carrots, and potatoes. Heat chicken broth with meat and soup base to boiling. Pour over toasted bread cubes. Beat eggs, add milk to seasonings. Add rest of ingredients, except butter. Pour half of butter into roaster and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour, or until done.

Recipe by Reuben and Freida Swarey from an Amish Cookbook.

We had it with some extra chicken gravy we put on the top which was wonderful. Even though it has potatoes in it, I'd eat mashed potatoes with this! I love onions, so I'd put more in as well. Great for an all in one meal! Enjoy!

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