
Enjoy today!

5:17 PM

Enjoy each day while you have it.

We aren't guaranteed another day.

God is so merciful to us each moment and we see Him.

In the Sun, The Moon, stars and flowers and along life's way.

Let us rejoice together as we tread this pilgrim way.

He only wants good things for us, so we look to His great care.

We prayed along the Skyline Drive for a blessing to see a little Bear.

And we did, in fact, see not one, not two, but three!

Oh, so sweet were they, a cute as could be.

Along the road we saw a mother and her cub.

Then another down the road a piece, behind a stone wall eating some grub. 

Then within a week or so we get to see yet another bear in the not so distant road.

This one was large, the biggest I've seen and crossed the road when we were driving.

"Oh my!," said Megan.  We were in awe.  As soon as we saw it it was going in the nearby forest.

Then to end the great story, we got to see a nice rainbow.

God is still good, Amen!

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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
