
Just a thought

2:39 AM

Next time you can't sleep at night...Take time to pray for someone you love...And if you want to go even further...pray for someone that irritates you...It's hard to be bitter against someone you're praying for...If the Lord can forgive me, I can do nothing but forgive my offenders...I'm only responsible for my reactions and actions and do my part...And when I dream about someone and remember in the morning..I take it as my que to pray for that person because apparently God has put them in my mind for a reason...Blessings,

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  1. Very well put, Laura - I like that part about the dreams....Never thought of it that way - but I will from now on! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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To all the kitties I loved...

To all the kitties I loved...

Have a Blessed Day!

Have a Good and Godly Day.
